How to participate


The Accademia’s basic program consists in 12 weekend classes, called Master Week End (MWE).
MWEs are held in Villa Bossi, every year from the beginning of February and the end of April.
Special teaching sessions may occur and are planned from year to year.


Classes start at 3pm on Friday and end at 9pm on Sunday, unless different agreements are taken.
The timetables within the day are decided directly between students and teachers.
If they wish, students attending the Master Weekend may arrive in Villa Bossi on Thursday and leave on Monday.
The possible points of arrival are the Malpensa Airport and the train stations of Varese or Gallarate.
The transportation from and to the points of arrival is free and handled by the organization of Villa Bossi.

Every student has the right to 3 regular lessons, or 2 long ones, at teacher’s discretion.
For practicing, students will have available the rooms and the instruments, as listed under the section DIDATTICA, every day from 9am to 12pm.


Students of different levels can join the courses. The assignment to the teacher will be done according to the candidate’ own indication and his music proficiency. Students can also choose to study with more than one teacher throughout the same year.
Students can have all the information they need under the section SIGN UP FOR THE COURSES.


The maximum number of participants to each MWE is 8 students. The application will be evaluated taking into account also the date of arrival of the application form. The accepted registrations will be confirmed by a communication of the Accademia’s secretary, which should be followed by the down payment.


The teaching criteria and the repertoire will be listed in every professor’s page (see the page professors) at the end of the current month of June. Generally speaking, students are given the complete freedom to choose.


At the end of every year, a certificate of attendance will be released.


-          Soloist: 350€

-          Duo: 450€

-          Trio and more: 200€ x person

-          Listeners: 100€

NB: for the class ensemble Music there will bw 2 professors

The payment should occur as follows:

-          A 100€ down payment should be deposited when registering

-          The remainder should be settled on each MWE’s first day, directly to the Accademia’s secretary


Thanks to the generosity of a private person, the Accademia is in a position to offer grants to students who are facing heavy economical difficulties.
Grants covering either 50% or 100% of the participation fee are available for students who can prove their difficult situation which, however, has to be confirmed officially by their Conservatory professor.


Villa Bossi offers accommodation options inside the Villa itself. The rooms’ prices, including the self-made breakfast, are as follows:

-          45€ for a single room

-          35€ per person for a double room

Additional accommodation options are offered by the farmhouse Pasquè and other nearby hotels. 


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